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10 Minutes To Spare...try This!!!

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jd_1984 | 10:00 Sun 17th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
28 Answers

I got 33, I am actually impressed with myself and challenge anybody to get all 48 in ten minutes without cheating!!!!


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Getting the spelling spot on is a stumbling point in this game and lost me 2 or 3 answers
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And I forgot Sussex is split into East and West!
-- answer removed --
Apologies, E. Yorkshire is and was a County but there are now four parts of Yorkshire when there used only to be three. The use of the word "county" these days is not the way most folk use it and there is a difference between Local Government boundaries, traditional counties and ceremonial counties.
Seven minutes 40 seconds to a st georges cross - I doubt I would have got the east riding right without having seen the previous posts though.
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sunny-dave top of the class- good effort!
Thank you The corby loon, I also thought there were only East, West and North Yorkshire.
Now then, is Hull also a county?
I noted on some correspondence to my sister, the heading on the letter was -- "The City and County of Kingston upon Hull"
I eventually realised it was North, South and East Yorkshire but it ate into my time.
Why didn't Middlesex register? Anyone know. ;)

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