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Is This The Greatest Advert Of The Decade So Far?

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sp1814 | 11:23 Tue 19th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
It has to be in the top ten, surely? Media URL:


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Thanks for the YouTube advice by the way. I was copying the link whereas I should clicked on 'Email the link'.

As for the film running backwards? I need to re-check...because if it were, then any wind ruffling his hair would look...wrong...if you see what I mean.
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Just watched it again.

It could be running backwards....but even so, it's still pretty impt
No. I think it is irresponsible. No matter how carefully the ad was conceived, rehearsed and finally carried out I fully expect some twerp will try something similar with moving vehicles.

You did ask the question so please don't criticise my answer!
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Wouldn't dream of it.

And if someone does attempt it and is killed under the wheels of a truck! their name will be added to that year's Darwin Awards.

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Is This The Greatest Advert Of The Decade So Far?

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