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Will You Be Watching?

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naomi24 | 10:20 Fri 22nd Nov 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
13 Answers
The Bible, Channel 5. I saw this advertised, and was greatly disappointed to discover it’s not an investigative documentary. Still, if anyone’s interested it starts on 30 November.


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from what I see here
it is just another film, I may take a peek but it doesnt look promising. Just another dramatised version of the stories in the Bible.
Avidly, I love fairy tales.
This has been described as being "wildly popular" in the USA, if you are to believe the hype surrounding the broadcasting of the series, so to that extent I would probably try to catch an episode - well for that, and for the laughs :)

Is it going to be anything like 'Crackanory' (story time for adults)
that's on at the moment?
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//This has been described as being "wildly popular" in the USA//

No trailers necessary. That says it all!
Dear Naomi,
Thanks for the info. However if it's a film I won't be watching.
Love your last reply - so bang on right! - "that says it all", pmsl even in front of a lady.
Bet they loved it in the U.S. Bible-belt if Jesus is a white man without a hooked nose and born during the non-existent census when Mary and Joseph "had to go to Bethlehem".
Q.I. had a great session on the latter when Sandi Toxwig (I'll never spell her name right) said if Denmark had such a census, she'd have to go to Copenhagen.
Kindest Regards,
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I think I can guess which bits will be included and which ignored - and I’d be willing to bet that Job won’t be featured. Watching it with pen and paper in hand might be an interesting exercise.
Is it an American production? John Wayne's Centurion at the foot of the Cross drawing in a western accent, 'Truly this was the son of God', put me right off.
Pier Paulo Pasolini's, The Gospel according to St Matthew, is a film I'd recommend.
'And it came to pass in a far off land many years ago that the son of god, rescued princess leia from the forces of evil and so our story begins....may the force be with you.'
Yup sandyRoe, know what you mean about US actors in "holy" movies but missed John Wayne film. Remember as a child being taken to such films with eerrm Gregory Peck, Victor Mature I think. They swaggered round like cowboys lol).
But what about our own Robert Powell in Jesus of Nazareth? He never blinked - dangerous as it can cause "dry-eye" and blind you.
O.K., I might watch a bit but suspect it will raise my blood pressure - you've all swayed me towards watching a bit but if I have a heart attack or choke on my crisps (or Pretzels), you're all to blame.

John Wayne delivered that memorable line in this star-studded film. It might be available on DVD.

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