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Putting Credit On Another Phone?

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cupotee2 | 23:45 Sat 23rd Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
i would like to out some credit on someone's phone via my Tesco Mobile.

Its to a T Mobile, Is this possible


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Hi, Cupotee...when I put credit on my Tesco mobile I am always asked if I want to top up the one I am calling from or another ....x
Just buy a voucher and text them the number...
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Thanks for the replies.

Yes I know the message you meal gness. I'll give it a try and if that doesn't work I'll try txting the credit voucher number.

Trouble is I would have like to add it before telling the recipient . She's not very good with phones and probably wouldn't bother. I know she is very short of credit and I would like to keep in touch.

Thanks for your suggestions.
It depends on what is offered by the company self-service equipment. Sometimes if you call in on, say a landline, it may ask what phone you wish to top-up. It may be worth calling the T-Mobile IVR and see what options the menus give you.
If you have a credit or debit card this will be the best way. I do it for my kid's phones
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Thank you Oldgeezer and rocky. I will do Rocky's suggestion tomorrow now.

It's also worth remembering that you can top up any mobile phone, directly from your bank account, from almost every ATM in the country. (All High Street bank cash machines offer the service).
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Thank you Buenchico, I have never used that method but know others who have.

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Putting Credit On Another Phone?

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