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gness | 16:19 Sun 24th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
My life is one of...Whoopses.... :-(

I have a relative and a friend with the same fore and surname.....a very slight difference in spelling.

I have just sent a thank you email for a lovely the wrong one.

Thank god I kept it brief and didn't confess to anything kind of naughty... the recipient of the wrong one is lovely but..... has quite a sense of mischief.... ;-)


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Was it naughty ? Lol
Oh dear lol

So what kind of naughtiness were you up to?
I have 2 lovely friends, one is female and other male.
Both have the same surname, The only difference in their first name is a vowel.
Fortunately, if I email one about stuff, then the other one gets to hear about it anyway!
Whoops indeed, I am sure the wrong one didn't mind getting the e-mail.
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Not telling....but was a lovely I won a jar of Marmalade which, in a text to the daughter, read...a lap of Marmalade.....She is now wondering what sort of parties her Ma goes to.......☻!

Ok. so the WI are now holding swinging parties?
Question Author've guessed!...x
was it to Peter ?
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Anne....I will leave you guessing.....☺☺

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