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Its A Mystery!!??

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Smowball | 20:11 Thu 21st Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
41 Answers
Ok, there has to be a logical explanation.
Teen smow gets in from school 2day and goes up to his room. Comes straight down and asks where the power leads are to his tv and x box. Not knowing what he was on about I follow him upstairs. Both cables that go from x box/ tv to plug socket are missing. He was watching tv at 10pm last night before he went to bed. Ive txt husband and he says he has no idea. Definitely wasnt me! Where are they??


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- You come home from school and spend hours on the xbox
- I've told you over and over again to tidy your room - it's like a pig sty
- You never offer to help with the house hold chores
- You never flush the toilet after you use it
- You treat this place like a hotel
- etc , etc , etc , ...

//..Ive txt husband and he says he has no idea.//

Yeah, right

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