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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:54 Wed 27th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
91 Answers
Wednesday already. Where does the time go, I dunno, but wherever it does, it did.

No frost but lots of cloud. It looks a bit damp out there. 24 daqs to midwinter, spring not far behind. :o}

Have a happy day everyone.


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Wendi went and squealed :-)

Honest lass, so she is.

I was wondering why the pooch was glaring at me, I've just noticed the time!

Take care folks xxx
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Have a happy wriggle albs. xxxxx :o}
Morning all from a damp Edinburgh....xx..getting ready to hit shops with a bit of Xmas shopping..thought a quiet day like Wednesday might be better than weekend...bit tired still so can't be bothered with crowds..
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Morning minty xxx Welcome back, we've missed you!
You are obviously feeling a lot better now. That's wonderful. :o} Take it easy raiding the shops now! :o}
Minty, I've done most of mine the lazy way - on line.
Morning Boaty xx been sleeping quite late..still on catch up ..
Morning Naomi xx...I'll do some on line, but need to get wrapping paper , cards, and some items of clothing which I'd rather not risk on line...need to colour and size etc...
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Nothing wrong with that minty. Just don't try to run before you can walk. :o}

You need more rest yet, so you do.
Must admit I got that stuff from the shops.
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Time to go and get some cleaning done before I go out.

Have a happy day everyone.

Minty, take it easy! xxxxx :o}
Bye Boaty xx

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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