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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:36 Thu 28th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
97 Answers
Thursday. I've just been for a walk and it's quite warm out. Wonderful. I've got to go to Stroud later. Oh well; can't win 'em all can you!

Have a happy day everyone.


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Morning welshie xx....I've been sleeping later and have missed much..still on catch up but feeling lots better !
La Domme de Strictly Come Stepping is here - don't come out with swear words like 'Oh - Darcy Bussel.'
Morning Boaty xx ..with extra sleep feeling stronger by the day....the lack of sleep ,food, and the dehydration of fever wipes you out a bit !
Morning Minty x
Morning DT xx good boy.....
Had intended going to shops yesterday but the wind picked up and brought I decided it best to stay dry....Will see how it is today......
exciting shops Minty? or just ordinary shopping? Leave it til next week, an extra few days to get your batteries recharged won't do any harm xx
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Good thinking minty. :o} The last thing you want is to get cold and wet. It will take time, so don't try and rush it. It won't let you. I'm glad you're feeling better albeit slowly. :o}
Time to be away (should have been gone ages ago) - so until tomorrow (at a more normal time)... stay warm and stay safe
Things like wrapping paper sellotape ,cards, some clothing bits, stocking fillers, think I've covered main gifts by way of st Amazon..bits and Bob's for mum getting her m&s voucher so she can please herself, she has so much jewellery etc already but she likes to shop in markies...and she'll get more for the money sale time ! ...Got dad digital radio for In conservatory where he spends a lot of time hiding from mum with his pipe! Lol
Bye welshie xx love to G and wee poppy
Take care Sweetcheeks xx

I'm going to wriggle with the pooch and buy a newspaper. Thursday is jobs day!
(all 2 pages of it no doubt)

Whatever you're up to, have a lovely Thursday and Happy Strouding Boaty (if possible!) xxxxx
Bye Albs xx
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Have a good'un welshie. Love to G. and a cuddle for Poppy. :o}

Have a happy wriggle al;bs, it'll take you all day to read a big paper like that! :o} xxxxx
Time to climb in shower ...see you all sooooooon..xx
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Time I made a move and got ready to go to Stroud. :o{

See you all tomorrow. :o}
Bye all and I'm away too.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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