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Good Morning All

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lady-janine | 05:25 Fri 29th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
86 Answers
yes, i know it is very early but i can't sleep and want someone to talk to.

hello, anyone there?


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morning all x

o well, comet ison had an umpty-odd million year run for its money
apparently some of it is through, sloopy, how much of a light show we will have is yet unknown....

Morning all, grey and dismal here, Number 36 on the Cornish 50 Shades of Winter Grey.
hope so
Morning bee xx sloopy xx DT xx. Shame about the comet was looking forward to it !
yo mauler x
Seems I've missed everyone was up at 3am but went back to bed...still on catch up with sleep...bit like rumplestiltskin ! Although I'm sure my spelling is wrong !

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