Smoke the mog has a new trick He brings in a mouse at stupid o'clock & proceeds to yell loudly until someone gets up to admire his hunting prowess. Unfortunately if it's a live mouse it then scarpers to freedom, leaving behind a hacked off slave & a very disappointed mog.
Mine shouts all day long, shouts when she wants to go in another room, shouts when she's eaten three biscuits and her bowl's now 'empty', shouts at the dog, if we touch her, if we even look at her- she never ruddy shuts up!
One of ours is a shouter, for any reason whatsoever. Shouts for fuss, food, to go out, to come in :-/ She doesn't care what time of day or night it is either. Thankfully neither of them are hunters so we don't get dead or live prey delivered to us.
A previous cat once brought home a headless mouse and thoughtfully (?) left it on the doorstep outside, which was fine, till the dog found it and 'buried' it in my bed!