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Preventing Tears

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DaisyNonna | 21:35 Sun 01st Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Watched Strictly. Loved listening to Alfie Boe and watching a beautiful interpretation by the dancers floods of tears by the end of it. How can I not cry whenever I hear Send Him Home?


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not sure, a lot of things do it for me. Mainly poetry, even trite stuff
sometimes even neighbours!
I cry at things all the time, yesterday I telling my daughter that Eva Cassidy's Somewhere Over The Rainbow would be perfect for her school project, I loaded it up on Yuotube and as soon as the song started, I started bawling. My daughter thought it was hilarious :)
Just for you then, Daisy. no tears mind !.
you can always laugh at the fact it's not Send Him Home but Bring Him Home, that'll put a smile on your face :)

It was lovely though
tonyav, are you trying to get her in tears again
Saw alfie a few months ago at Edinburgh playhouse....fab fab fab...sigh....wouldn't step over him to get my cocoa!
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Glad I am not alone. I only have to hear the first bar and I am a quivering wreck. Remember going to London to see it at the theatre, a friend, my fifteen year old daughter and myself. We emerged from the theatre absolutely stunned. Walked to the Tube, travelled to Victoria, got on the train home and not a word was spoken until we had left London.

tonyav, are you trying to get her in tears again

No ducksie, I know that she likes musicals.
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Knew I could rely on you Tony.
Sorry about the title, not quite recovered yet.
Swingathon next week Tony. Please have my bucket ready at the Towers, Will need it.
Will do, Daisy. Swingathon, sounds great.
Daisy....I was wardrobe mistress when we did this and a friend performed it beautifully.....god knows what people went on stage in afterwards. I couldn't see for the tears....x
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How lovely gness. Fabulous musical to have worked on. I envy you that.
I howled when it was performed at George best' s funeral...
Igor will have your bucket ready for your arrival at the Towers Daisy.

Haven't seen the results show yet, had to tape last nights show for Queenie
and have only just watched that - results show later
I do like alfie :)

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