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So The Tory Boys Are Going To.......

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Jeza | 23:07 Sun 01st Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Cut our energy bills by £50 per year. That's less than £1 per week, in fact it is 96p per week. So what shall we spend it on. A holiday in the Canaries, you can't even buy a lottery ticket with it now assuming you add the 4p. So you tell me what are you going to spend your 96p per week on.

Politicians of any / all parties don't live in the real world. Overpaid scroungers who live off people like you and me. The tax payers of this country.
Rant over.


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Better than nothing!
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Is it umm it sounds contemptuous to me.
I don't see how this strategy, welcome though it is in principle (the green taxes should certainly be levied through general taxation), is going to counter Labour's plans for a price freeze in conjunction with a major review of the whole business.

The whole energy pricing thing is bizarre. I've never really understood how it can be in the interests of energy companies to promote "green energy" or energy conservation. They want to sell power, and it's bad news for them if people are using less. The free insulation thing is simply part of a business plan to have private customers using less of their power so that higher-rate business customers can use more.
Sounds like their taking the p!ss to me.
I don't think they are over paid either.
Just over 13 p a day. My Piggy Bank will be overwhelmed.
although i think cutting our energy bills by £50 p.a is better than raising them by the same amount i cannot understand why ordinary people should have to pay green tax. the energy companies make enough profit to invest in green energy without our help. if necessary the bonuses paid to some of their staff and dividends paid to major investors should be used. after all we are all in this together.
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Don't you umm. When I was in employment (now retired) I wish I'd been paid £65,000 per annum plus expenses. They have more holidays than school children. Plus overseas jaunts which are really another holiday in disguise.
lj, obviously we are not.
Have often wondered why one can become an MP with no qualifications or training.
Not allowed in the real world.
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My post sounds like I'm Anti- Tory, I'm not. I'm anti rip off. Nick Clegg really ripped off the people of Sheffield when he sold his soul to Cameron so he could be deputy PM.
and just where are they finding this massive sum? From the taxpayers of course! Again the big energy companies are getting off! There is also something in one of today's newspapers that our government, in it's infinite wisdom are planning to "rearrange" matters so that it doesn't appear that people who are currently suffering "fuel poverty" won't be after the sums have been "rearranged" (saw this bit on the Papers on BBC News Channel about an hour ago)
Breath fresheners perhaps, Jeza?.....☺
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Good idea gness.
I have voted Tory all my life. At the next election I will probably vote UKIP. LOL.
I will add that my MP is labour.
£50 better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, but only just. All these power companies owned by multi nationals, exporting their profits and importing high (rigged) power. Why are we paying for green energy surely the companies should be paying out of their massive profits and bonuses.
"Have often wondered why one can become an MP with no qualifications or training.
Not allowed in the real world. "

Many prospective MPs do get training. But then these are also the ones who get accused of being "professional" polirticians.
Training? What as? Con men (or women)
Mummy/daddy an MP young Nick or Euan parachuted into a safe seat. some training, still they could get support from the local unions or filthy rich gentry.
Oh I think some of them are well trained from an early age, Daisy...just not in anything one could put on a CV........

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