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Ouch ????

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slinky.kate | 16:45 Fri 06th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
my finger is so sore,just at the side of my fingernail,near the top,all red and swollen,been like that all week,finding it hard to type,went to docs and he gave me antibiotics,i have an infection.i have to stop taking them if I start turning yellow.


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Judging from the attached photo, SK, I would suggest that gangrene has already set in:)
17:13 Fri 06th Dec 2013
Oooo, sore!

I bet you keep bumping it off stuff too?

Let's hope you don't go yellow and it clears up soon.
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2sp.very sore,lets hope it clears up soon.
Oh Kate, they are very painful, keep an eye on it and finish the course (barring any yellowness of course) X
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if I get a yellow tinge I have to stop taking then immediately
Awe bless you, get well soon.

Isn't it funny how if one little part of your body is hurt or injured it affects the rest of you.

Did he give you a colour chart for reference?
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no he didn't baldric,i'll have to see him about this,i think its a whitlow I have and is common in people with diabetes,so now I know .
Judging from the attached photo, SK, I would suggest that gangrene has already set in:)
Ooop, didn't realize that you had diabetes.
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stewey,very funny,had a wee giggle there.
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stewry its on my LOVE finger on the other hand
Thanks SK.
A little late for this occasion but just in case it ever starts up again - get a bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide from the chemist.

At the very first sign of soreness, soak the fingertip in an egg cupful, it is very good at preventing the infection taking hold.
I find that when I have a whitlow, bathing it (by holding finger into a jar of hot salted water for about 5 mins)) eases it considerably, might be worth a try.
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thanks for the tips.

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Ouch ????

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