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wimp | 15:18 Sat 07th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Deer running in the snow,robins in the garden,fat ones at that,it's that time of year!Good chance it's going to be a white Christmas here!


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Baaa humbug
don't want the white stuff thanks.

I presume you're talking about snow though? :-D

Wouldn't want to be Santa at your house,
Good chance you'll beat him up if you don't get what you want!
It can`t happen until after I have landed on christmas eve or my christmas will be stuffed!
Father Xmas doesn't go to their village Baldric...........they don't like incomers.

Ah! ok craft, thanks.
I look forward to the Winter Solstice. Even though we don't notice it, we know that daylight is getting a little longer each day!

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