Raj has pulled out for personal reasons after 4 nights.
Could the 4 hard boiled eggs and full English breakfast every morning have caught up with him or has he pulled out to save his business from going bankrupt after his antics this week?
I don't believe it was a joke, bet he painted them to make them look better and they didn't dry in time.
Weird he pulled out early, really changes the dynamics of the group.
What happens to the money he has put in the envelopes? After all he has stayed in all the B&Bs.
He wasn't very likeable chauvinistic especially towards the two girls just because they are young he thought they weren't capable of running a BB, his massive breakfasts were just attention seeking, wouldn't have fancied staying at his BB.
When I watched if I was wincing at his behaviour, seems to be one slap-able one every week. And don't get me started on the one on CDWM who has the peculiar 'laugh'.
I wondered if maybe he realised that he would probably not win and decided not to make himself look a fool anymore and pulled out. His b&b was not nice, and certainly I didn't think value for money, one room didn't even have a lamp shade. And was it just me or did anyone else see not get the shower painting joke????