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I think they're thinking allergy because I've had these meds times before with no ill effects. This time there were all the textbook symptoms - vicious hives rash, swollen tongue/arms/hands, breathing difficulties, starting to black out. Luckily the paramedic arrived just before I blacked out completely. It was him who gave me the initial Piriton shot, which worked pretty much immediately. He said if it hadn't then he'd have gone with the adrenalin. Half an hour later in hospital I was feeling pretty much back to normal but BP was a bit high and there were a couple of numbers they didn't like so they gave me some steroids and kept me in for the rest of the day. They've sent me home with a couple of Jexts full of adrenalin just in case it happens again. Because they can't say yet exactly what the cause was they've advised me to stay away from all NSAIDs until they know more. I hope they'll do testing because at the moment I'm almost scared to eat anything just in case there's a trace of something that I've suddenly developed an allergy to.
I'm a first aider and have had a few lessons on this over the years so I had an inkling from the outset that something wasn't quite right. Fortunately my husband was home and I made him call an ambulance for me, which he did because he knows I normally have to be dragged kicking and screaming to see even the GP about anything, never mind our overworked A&E staff, bless 'em.