hc, that is what i meant, said, if someone at the hospital told her outright the dangers she wouldn't have put herself in so much peril, one would hope?
Perhaps she wasn't warned of the dangers. My neighbour suffered from asthma and the family were given very strict guidelines, her husband could only smoke outside and even the open fire had to be boarded up. The oxygen was not allowed to be in her bedroom and a spare room had to be converted to store it.
Emmie, they really are very strict about making sure people know how to use oxygen in the home and the dangers. People who use it have to tell their insurance company that oxygen is stored in the home and their car insurers if oxygen is carried in the car.
The fire service may even be informed and they may carry out a risk assessment.
Every user knows that nobody should be smoking anywhere near the device.
A mixture of stupidity and bad luck - mostly stupidity. We've all done stupid things in our time, and often we get away with it (and then realise just how stupid it was) but not always ...