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lady-janine | 10:01 Mon 09th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
what is going to be the next thing to go wrong?


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someone steals your wheelie bin ?
Question Author
haven't got one. we have to take our rubbish (in bags) down to the nearest gateway in the lane. any time someone wants fullrbin bags they are welcome.

2 things so far just waiting for the third.
gives us a clue ?
Question Author
1. email not responding. just will not accept password. provided says nothing to do with them. have lost all addresses, etc. no other copies. photos, phone nos. everything gone.

2. element gone on oven yesterday morning. ne*f cooker. this will be fifth element in 6 six years. first one went afternoon christmas eve with 14 coming to dinner next day. i thought saving up for ne*f it would last a bit longer than this.

3. what?
3. Positive pregnancy test? :-)
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it's a miracle!
4. Twins!!!!:-)
Question Author
any suggestions as to what i could call them carrust? noelle and noel?
It's got to be Tony & Dave.....:-)
Gness arrives for Christmas?......☺
On friday the headlight bulb on the car went and needed replacing
the dishwasher wouldnt accept the tablet to do the cleaning
the lining on our fridge door broke and had to be repaired.
the doorbell was playing up and finally disintegrated. I sat down in the evening to watch the television, went to turn the electric fire on and all the lights went out! One of the ceiling lights had broken, and fell out on to the floor!
I went to lock up at night and one of the bolts on the door wouldnt turn!
The house is falling apart around me!
Question Author
georgies - that is terrible. i added up 7 things (i think) and so if things go in threes. . . . .

have you thought of moving or maybe you can borrow a builder and other workmen from gness. they could be glad to get away. (sorry gness).
You speak of ill luck. What i am about to tell you is a true story and it will put all your minor misfortunes into perspective.

Years ago i had a friend who was attacked by two drunks wielding cider bottles. His neck was targetted and he came very close to losing his life. At the time he was on his way to pick his wife up from the local pub where she worked 2 shifts per week, part time and on the sly - pin money, nothing more. The story made the local papers and some eagle-eyed DHSS employee spotted it and my friend was fined for his indescretions.

About a year later, there was a fire at my friends house in which his wife died and his baby daughter died a few days later in hospital. The two were buried in the same coffin.

Fast forward a couple of years and my friend, now in a new relationship, was obviously living in a different house which was situated at the bottom of a rather steep road. A lorry crashed into the front of the house!! Thankfully no-one was hurt, but extensive damage was done to the building.

So my friend moved and one day his youngest daughter (about 3 year old, i think) squeezed through a hole in the garden fence, with a couple of her friends, and into a neighbouring empty property which had a disused swimming pool in it. The water was stagnant and pitch black. When the alarm was raised, my friend dived in and pulled a child out, believing it to be his. It was one of her friends, who lived. Sadly my friends daughter perished.

A few years later, on 15 May 2009, my friend was working with colleagues, at night, carrying out repairs to a rail line in Staffordshire when they were hit by a road rail vehicle. Both my friend and his co-worker were killed instantly.

As i said, that is a true story and whenever i think i am being hard done to by the fates, i think of my friend. And realise that i know nothing of bad luck.
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So everyone never ever complain as there is always someone worse off than you...

Balls to that...
Yes, but i ensure that there are no cider bottles, no swimming pools in nearby gardens where i may wander after one too many. And the host must not live in a house at the bottom of a steep road or anywhere near a railway line. Other than that, i'll go to any party.
Question Author
that is a very sad story ken. but please, i was asking AB members to speculate on what could be the next little thing to go wrong and annoy me. i've found it, so i think that's it.
Did you get my email?
your temp address is not working, lady j! Tone was trying earlier and I tested - rejected in Cornwall as well!

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