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Macmillan Cancer Support Football Team Story.

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birdie73 | 19:36 Mon 16th Dec 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
Have almost completed this but am very unsure of one answer.
The Queen put her children in an upstairs room (9) Leicester (7) ??????? kept them awake.
Can you help me please.


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Could be Rangers - QPR is mentioned earlier in the story.
21:45 Mon 16th Dec 2013
Birdie, is it just kept them awake? On another post, someone put ...awake with their bawdy laughter.
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You are correct scorpiojo awake with their bawdy laughter.
The story itself refers to a journey being undertaken by the queen & the captain of the guard & his motley crewe.
Thanks for trying to help.
I suggested reading first birdie, but then I wondered if it was Walsall kept them awake but that wouldn't work with Leicester?!
Could be Rangers - QPR is mentioned earlier in the story.
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Thanks again scorpiojo. Thanks also Ouzel that sounds good to me.

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Macmillan Cancer Support Football Team Story.

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