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This Morning At Work...

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excelsior-1 | 17:55 Wed 18th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

i was booking in -----




easter stock


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Seems about right, Excel.

Do you mean EGGSelsior?
You work in a supermarket warehouse or so I believe. Seems perfectly normal stock rotation for a supermarket distribution centre. I presume the Valentines Day tat has been received?
I remember a few years back Tesco was putting out Easter eggs on Christmas Eve afternoon.
when did you book in the st vals stuff? seems about right. the fashion industry is at least 12 months ahead if not more in some cases.
I was chatting to the chap at the checkout in Tesco today, and he told me the Easter eggs are all in the back waiting to be put out after Christmas. It's beyond!
we had a christmas party in september

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