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Probably Another Attempt To Scam...

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sandyRoe | 09:15 Fri 20th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
"We need to ask you to complete a short and brief step to securing and validating your account information.

Click here to complete validation..."
This is supposed to be about my Apple account. I don't have one.


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Loads of scams doing the rounds just now !!
About a year ago I was getting about 40-50 scam emails per day landing in my junk folder. These days it is maybe 6 or 7. Where did they go? Are you now getting my scam mail sandy?

Most of the emails are very badly written - if I were to send out such emails I would put a bit more effort into it :-)
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I suppose it's hard for the crooks too in the run up to Christmas.
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But if you were trying to write an e-mail in Hausa or Yoruba I doubt if you'd be word perfect. I know I wouldn't :-)
This is a prime time of year

You can get someone's machine infected with a Trojan just before they start going on line and buying stuff and just harvest their credit card details.

Important to be specially vigilant

Also fake helpdesk cals out of the blue when people have new PCs and tablets that their struggling with and are grateful for the 'help'.

Have a safe Christmas!

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