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Purple_Popple | 22:15 Sat 21st Dec 2013 | Body & Soul
48 Answers
Do you like your own feet ? Does the thought of feet make you cringe ?
Have you ever met anyone with beautiful feet ? Discuss.


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No Tilly, but apparently, it happens and many people have a foot fetish
It's not all C & W, Yont. We do loads of different types of music. My favourites are 'I'm a Wanderer' and 'Have you ever seen the rain?'

However, I am a redneck, at heart.

I don't mind feet, I have massaged many feet over the years and yes they can be sexy.
Sibs, I donot have a foot fetish. I just like my own little feet. They are lovely.
I don`t mind mine because I`ve still got baby feet. My toes never grew long and straggly. The downside is that I have a real problem with sandals - my feet slip through them.
I had extra toes and fingers when I was born. They were removed when I was a baby but I have been left with bumps on my feet! I also have short toes and can't wear toe post sandals because my toes don't reach the end of them! So yes I hate my feet!
Fats Waller sang a song about my feet.
Apart from that, they're alright. No bunions or deformed nails. They get me about, they don't hurt - about the best you can ask for, I suppose.

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