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slinky.kate | 20:41 Tue 24th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
my kettle went kaput tonight of all nights,wonder if santa will bring me a new one.??


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^rattle, see, it made do speelin' mistooks
20:49 Tue 24th Dec 2013
Make sure it's not just the fuse blown, kate.
There must be something in the water today- ours went too and we had to go out and buy a new one.
Ours lit up but nothing happened, tony. It's been making rattling/crackling noises for a few days
Saucepan and a gas hob?
Sound like the element in your case, ff.
A kaput kettle for Kate on Kristmas eve. Whatever next.
bloody hell kate - if that might mean no tea, get out in that kitchen and ratlle those pots and pans!!
^rattle, see, it made do speelin' mistooks
I can't see anything rong with the speelin, hippy chock.
You're supposed to put water in it.
enjoy your day and dumpling kate

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