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Sherrardk it is not up to me to set their medical procedures at school,it is worked out between Matthew's diabetic nurses and the school and always has been.
They have asked me when he needs to have his insulin ie before food,after food etc ,how often his blood sugar needs checking,and they have set their procedures with this information.
This whole thing of matthew going to find someone to give his insulin started in sept which I gather is a part of getting year 3's to be more responsible for themselves which is fair enough but i don't think that should include an important health issue and if matthew didn't come to someone they should be coming to him which is what is going to be happening now and I wrongly assumed would be happening in any case. My mistake I admit.
Svejk what do you mean you're not buying the whole head and deputy being there ? Do you think I've created a right stink and over reacted about this.
The deputy head was in the classroom at 3.30 when my childminder realised my son was probably having a high blood sugar because his 1st words to her were..'Sarah,i'm really thirsty!' then the penny dropped for the TA that she hadn't done his insulin that is normally done after lunch.
She reacted badly to this and my childminder couldn't help but voice this to the deputy head who had heard it all.
this was now a few minutes after pick up time and everyone else had gone so it wasn't long before the headmaster realised there was something wrong and came to check.
The first opportunity I had to talk to anyone was on monday morning,i have only spoke to the head and deputy about this and I kept it very calm and to the point. That matthew needs his insulin and that their system needed changing. They agreed and that has what has happened.
This not a new thing for the TA . She has been carrying out this role since matthew started school 3 years ago and every sept including this year she has been more than happy to carry on with the role when asked and has said to me in not so many words that she would miss helping to look after him.
I wonder if there are other duties that have been put on her that are putting her under pressure.
People are misunderstanding me a little I think. I am upset at this happening but more upset by her attitude when it came to light.