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Have You All Had.....

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excelsior-1 | 19:50 Wed 25th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

...... a good christmas day?

i have



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Yes, a most relaxing day and very pleasant as well, though a bit on the hot side, so cold Christmas lunch. Thank you excel and I hope you did too !
20:17 Wed 25th Dec 2013
Yip no television real people all day wonderful
I had a lovely day thank you, excel but it's all gone quiet now. I'm glad you enjoyed your day.
I've had a lovely day, thank you. Kids' expectations all met and exceeded (always a bit of a worry) but I like tomorrow better. It's not so rushed and I can actually spend proper time with the kids.
I've had a lovely peaceful day. Foot in stookie so OH did cooking and managed brilliantly.
Sherrardk is possibly the only Mum who doesn't want to get far away from her kids by now! (You're not Mary Poppins in disguise, are you Sherr?).

My day has been very quiet, mainly because I spent a large part of it in bed! (I didn't go to bed last night until 6.30am. How the hell I managed to make just three bottles of beer last that long I'll never know!).

Today I've just watched a bit of telly (the Muppets' Christmas carol for the umpteenth time), listened to the radio and cooked and eaten my Christmas main course. (Roast duck breast, plum sauce, potatoes roasted in duck fat and green beans). I've yet to get around to eating my dessert (a 'serves four' Panettone Pudding, with cream) and, amazingly, I've not even consumed any booze yet!
Yes, a most relaxing day and very pleasant as well, though a bit on the hot side, so cold Christmas lunch. Thank you excel and I hope you did too !
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i had christmas meal with the family at my sister's house (i made a pâte for a starter)

came home in time to watch the doctor who special - now relaxing for the rest of the evening with the sherry bottle
Yes, it has been a good Christmas day

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