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Eastender Last Night

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kloofnek | 09:25 Thu 26th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Can someone tell me how Eastenders finished last night....I fell asleep with it being on later,had been up since quarter to six)...saw up to where Janine was with Michael after she had run him down....


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She ran Michael down ...... Gee, you were tired!! She killed Michael weeks ago!! I didn't watch it but assumed it was David she ran over! It's recorded so will tell you the ending later when I have seen it ;-)
I just saw theend of it where some screeching blonde woman was being hauled off in a police car
Here's the entire programme condensed into about 2 minutes:
The director of the bbc came out from the behind the curtain and apologises to the viewers and assures them that this drivel will be taken from the screens in the not to distant future .Some one interrupted him and said look at all the talented people who will lose their jobs to which he replied the sound recordist will be signing on for the remake of Eldrado
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Thanks all...I usually record but thought I would watch it instead,...tend to record more... programmes on ITV or such as I cannot stand the adverts.
Happy Boxing day.
Just returned to Enders...Why did the young woman plead guilty to to the murder if Janine did it?
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Just watched your link was Janine being carted last!!!!
How could I have missed that!!!
I had had such a busy day,all the family for dinner,plus up before dawn...ah well,that is over for another year...hope to take them all away next Xmas,so no cooking etc.
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Ah, thanks for that.
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Alice was in such shock,she couldn`t really remember what had happened,she stabbed once Michael to stop him strangling Janine,then ran out.When someone came,Michael had been stabbed TWICE!! Alice not knowing this ,just thought she had killed him.Janine then framed her.
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March Hare,I meant David was run down.
you sad, sad, lot, watching Eastenders on xmas day, shame on you.
I don't watch it, but I did last night just to see how Danny Dyer or anyone could take over a pub on Xmas day.
Oh, and leaving the doors open to an empty pub on Xmas day in London, is not a good idea.

I know its soap-land but the script writers want shooting.
Before you take over a pub, you have to have your record checked by the police, then you have to apply for a licence to the magistrate to sell booze.

And while I'm at it, does anybody actually laugh or smile in E/E, its so morbid.
Re Alice - why had the police/solicitor not realised that Janine was alone with Michael when Alice was answering the door?
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Eastender Last Night

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