I can see the relevant grid area to be modified (as per the quote) - still no wiser as to how to modify this or how this would leave behind JUST BRUSSELS SPROUTS?? Any hints greatly appreciated - Merry Christmas :)
I think the word "perhaps" is the important word in the preamble there, as Brussels Sprouts are an example of what is left. Nice puzzle - and good to see that my copy of ODHQ has at last been of use!
I'm still at a loss I'm afraid - am I looking for another thing that should be left over (such as Brussels sprouts) once I have blacked out the 3 words from the affected columns?
Am struggling with this and for two reasons. I have the correct letters for the down clues but the instruction is not really making sense to me. Apart from that the perimeter consists of 48 cells. Any hints as to where the quotation starts would be most welcome.
I'm in the same situation as chrisj50. Grid is completed, quote found etc. I have taken the action. It seems unsatisfactory, however. Is there another step that I'm missing?
Novalis. The quote uses a few more letters than the perimeter, but starts in the usual place. If you have the extra instruction, try applying it to every clue!