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Unwanted Christmas Present.

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10ClarionSt | 19:26 Fri 27th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Mrs Clarion gave me a gold coloured box tied with a nice red ribbon. Inside was a mug, coaster, pair of socks and a tin of mints all of which had Grumpy Old Git printed on them. Just to show how true it was, I threw them straight in the bin. What did she expect?


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A decree absolute perhaps?
Keep the box, it sounds nice.
i have a bin with 'grumpy old git' on it, is yours the same?
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I am yes. x
Well, she wasn't wrong, then! The least you could have done is give them to the charity shop!
Well, she proved her point didn't she?
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More importantly what did you buy Mrs Clarion?
my 27 year old nephew gave me 'posh'tea with a chins cup & saucer,I don't drink tea & gave O/H a game,he never does them
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good for her, where is your sense of humour ? how does that old saying go ----- if the cap fits---- say no more nudge wink !
Ever thought you are lucky to have a partner?
Should have put them on ebay, there is a free listing all week.

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Unwanted Christmas Present.

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