I only know that the Bank of England is the one who dictates base rates. Supposedly their way of 'fighting inflation'.
To my simple mind, of course, interest payments are the way of fighting inflation. Encouraging people to save means there is always a ready supply of cash which can be invested in businesses which are trying to expand. The Japanese are notoriously obsessive savers and mysteriously have (or, at least, had) a booming economy for decades because the banks (in fact the Japanese Post office had the bulk of people's savings) had to work their assess off to generate the advertised interest.
By contrast, you watch Question Time and hear business people complaining about how they ask the bank for money only be told they can't have a loan. A special case at the moment, I know. New regulations force them to have a higher capital to loans ratio and they are still in the process of bulking up to meet the target. Things will all sort themselves out in time.
By the way, unless I'm mistaken, the whole thing about the bonus system is that they are exempt from income tax. If the rest of society all demanded to have our salary reduced to 10k (or wherever the zero rate threshold currently resides) with the remainder converted into tax-free bonuses, we'd be rightly vilified.
So, as Al 'Pub Landlord' Murray demanded to know in his show, the other night "Where's our £ú(