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Jesus And The Y Chromosome

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jomifl | 22:55 Fri 20th Dec 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
70 Answers
Jesus is said to have been male, if so where did his Y chromosome come from if Mary was a virgin?


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////I'm still struggling to choose a best answer without showing any bias. I think if KP can't............///

Do you really believe that I care wheather you choose my answer as "best answer" or not?
Question Author
/Do you really believe that I care wheather you choose my answer as "best answer" or not? /
Not for one moment KP, I am not a believer. I don't care much about your opinion either. Since you answered a question about a chromosome without knowing what one is your credibility isn't that high in my view. You can redeem yourself by giving a well thought out and intelligent reply and still go to paradise.
May I say birdie how much I admire your command of the English language. I am not joking, I mean this. I wish I could do the same.
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So your laugh depends on me then???????????? My laugh depends on you though and I have no doubt about that.
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/You can redeem yourself by giving a well thought out and intelligent reply/
Aiming too high again ..doh.
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birdie, Keyplus is clearly very gullible, he believes everything written in that ridiculous book the Quran, is it really surprising that he makes a bloody fool of himself here on almost a daily basis. These days I expect it from him, he knows no different.

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Jesus And The Y Chromosome

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