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Prompted By A Thread In 'relationships + Dating', Should I Remove My Dentures Before Eating Muesli?

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sandyRoe | 12:59 Thu 02nd Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Lumpy bits sometimes lodge under the plate.


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No teeth on him, no hair on her....purrfecto, a relationship made in heaven.
13:16 Thu 02nd Jan 2014
Not if you want to impress a lady, sandy......
I'd say no, on the proviso that you don't skimp on the milk.

You don't want to eating it too dry.......
Keep your dentures and forget the muesli. I always an adequate description of 'muesli' was rabbits droppings
Do you take them out when eating pippy fruit....?
not if it's a romantic supper and your partner has depilated

always 'thought'
Sandy.....only if you have perfected the art of discreet denture removal..☺
don't do what I did - bite on a Dime Bar, and the three front teeth snap off, in Tesco's car park, LOL

You eat Muesli?
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You pretend to have a coughing fit, hold a napkin up to your face, and 'hey presto' the dentures out and you can start gumming the lumpy bits in the muesli.
Sandy....stick to yoghurt......A coughing fit....firing dentures into a napkin and gumming lumpy bits isn't the best start to a relationship....x
No teeth on him, no hair on her....purrfecto, a relationship made in heaven.
DTwordfan deserves best answer sandy.
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I hair what you're saying, Cannedgranny, and I'll go along with your suggestion. Though I've seen answers from DTwordfan in the past that had more bite.

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Prompted By A Thread In 'relationships + Dating', Should I Remove My Dentures Before Eating Muesli?

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