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boxtops | 13:06 Thu 02nd Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
.... do you sleep with your dentures in, or out?


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In or out of what?
What dentures!!!
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LOL - in place, Alice, and helly - I should have said "if you wear 'em!"
If and when I get them I'll go for 'out'. It's nice to wake up to a cheery smile of a morn. :)
in - mine are all implants.
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are they wearing them at the time, scrivens...?
i thought the whole point of dentures was that you can get them nice and clean in a glass overnight
I'm so grateful that I have all my own teeth intact, because I have a very sensitive "gag reflex". Even the thought of putting dentures into my mouth sets me off!
I don't wear dentures but my Dad used to leave them in a tub of steradent or the like overnight while my aunt sticks them to her gums and leaves them there for a few days.
I feel like that gingejbee looking at someone putting them in
Question Author
I feel like that about contact lenses (shudder)

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