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Films Shown Over Christmas

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whiskeryron | 13:26 Sat 04th Jan 2014 | Film, Media & TV
12 Answers
Did any ABers watch the film ''Never Let Me Go'' shown on Ch 5 & what was your impression of it ?



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I watched it - I read the book a while back and was interested to see the film version. It's not an attractive subject matter but I thought the film, although a bit slow, was very good
13:28 Sat 04th Jan 2014
I watched it - I read the book a while back and was interested to see the film version. It's not an attractive subject matter but I thought the film, although a bit slow, was very good
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Thanks for your reply bensmum, I found it quite a beautiful & yet sad & disturbing movie.

Damn, missed it. I read the book a few years ago and it really moved me.
It'll be on catch-up, mazie.
I'm sure it will be repeated mazie. I found it to be disturbing too WR, the book was very unsettling and thought-provoking and I thought the film captured that well
Thanks guys, I'll have a look x
It's been on my 'must watch' list for some time, to the point where I bought it in Cex for 75p a month or two back.
Really must make the effort.

As ever, I tend to get the film score (which is very good) without actually watching the film!
If you cannot find it on TV you can watch it online free here

^^^^^ When the link opens click on Continue as free user
Thanks Ron and SP xx
You can buy this Film in CEX for £1.50, and you can trade it back in for £0.40 if you do not want to keep it

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