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A Failed Twitcher..:-(

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gness | 12:00 Sun 05th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
From the back of my house I can see fields and the roofs of houses in the dip.

Having my coffee on the patio I spotted a magnificent great white the field or on the roof I couldn't make out but he was beautiful...spreading his wings in the breeze. I watched for some time...sipping my coffee and thinking how lucky I was...

He seemed happy where he was so I went to fetch my bins and trained them on him....he was still there.

That was when I discovered I had been admiring the top of a flag pole and one of the neighbours is flying a white flag....

That can't be anything to do with me.......surely.....☺


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Never mind Gness. As Edith Piaf almost said ................. "Non, .......... no egrets ...... "
15:57 Sun 05th Jan 2014
ears or legs?
Yes, I've got two of those as well.....
one of each?

where has gness gone she started this?
Probably off twitching uncontrollably.
oh gawd. it is raining so hard that the down pipes cannot cope with it and it is just everywhere.

cornwall's fifty shades of grey have now reached 49.5.
At least you won't have the screeching parakeets down there that we have up here.
I'd quite happily ace the lot of them.
are you not allowed to net them - by accident i mean?
Take care, Lady-J x
You can legally shoot them s they are on the 'pest' list as an invasive species but I think my ex-colleagues would take a dim view of me opening up with a 12 bore in a built up area.

But it is tempting......:-)
hi sibs - how are you?
this may be a stupid question but do you have to shoot them. there must be other ways. anti-freeze?
Fine Lady-J, but a dismal day here but not as bad as where you are
glad to hear that. at least we are not likely to be flooded as some poor souls are.
i'm off to make a cuppa. it's a large pot so if you would like one feel free to help yourselves.
Just washed the dog - I'm soaking.....
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No...not spec savers or twitching.....Dragged a friend off for lunch to take advantage of my free birthday drinks.....

Two scrumptious steak and ale pies, chunky chips, passable peas and four glasses of pretty good plonk for £8 we tipped the wonderful waitress well.....

Sussed out the house with the white flag......don't fancy his decor so he's off the list...

Wild weather has arrived so I'm curling up with the knitting....unless I get a call from Mr Fry............ ☺
Lol. It reminds me of the time when the girls were little, we lived in a house backing onto fields of cows and calves.
One day, whilst up in the girls room, i looked across to the far side of the fields and saw a black calf writhing around on the floor, the cows were walking up to it an away again, after 10 minutes it still hadn't got up, I knew the farmer, he lived about 4 miles away and just rented the fields. i rang him, he came out, then called at the house, the 'calf' turned out to be a black bin bag stuck on a thistle!
I thought he would be annoyed, but he thanked me for keeping an eye on his animals and for ringing him, I still felt stupid though. Lol. X
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Priceless, Sparkles....thank god an egret isn't rare enough for me to have contacted all the local twitchers to come and look at....a tattered flag...☻
not anti-freeze, please, LJ - that's lethal to cats :-(

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