Hi. I had a cold last week and although I'm fine now, every night I have a really terrible cough as soon as I get into bed...and it doesn't matter what time I go to bed either. Any ideas?
sounds like a 'dry/non productive cough' . Go to yor chemist and get a cough mixture for this...it won't clear it up any quicker but it will help you get some sleep til it goes by supressing the cough reflex!
I have exactly the same and I dread going to bed because even if I am proped up with pillows the cough usually starts in the evening and gradually gets worse as the night progresses.. I then wake up (after getting little sleep) with a rotten headache. I am going to try Benelyn (the drowsy type) to knock me out. The strange thing is I feel almost fine during the day. I hope we both feel better soon and roll on good weather!