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cupid04 | 23:20 Sun 05th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
soz. x


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when I moved into this house, my bedroom was painted in Villa colours - lovely (not).
Sure it wasn't West Ham colours, boxy ?.
Tony, please put Cupid out of her misery
Yont's just toying with cupid's emotions.
Didn't see this post until about 5 mins ago, would have replied last night however I was in bed when cupes posted this, I'm on 6 am - 2pm shift this week.
Ok cupes, I'll let you off this time lol.
Time you were in bed then, Yont?
Will be in about half an hour, Yilly.
could have been either, tony, but it doesn't make you sleep well :-(
Righto, Yont.

P.S. Did you see my post about Wright's pies? Do they sell them at The Viilla?
No I haven't seen your Pie post, Yilly. Where do I look ?.
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Thanks toneee, I'll never take the pee out of your football team again. I know how serious you blokes take these things.x
I'll never take the pee out of your football team again.

LOL, yeah right, ya little minx.
Last time I looked there was no 'p' in Aston Villa.....
Anagram of Aston Villa = Vital Loans
That's c'us there's none left, DT. It's all been taken !.

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