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Cryptic Quiz

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megfitz | 13:25 Sun 05th Jan 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
Need to send this off ,but am missing these answers.

A Phew Frases;;Steely strategy makes for uncomfortable handling..(8,3,6)
Bird created from thin air..(4,4,3,1,4)
Animal Favourites::Her pet's hopes were dashed..(6,7)

Thanks for any help.



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Circling the wagons?
Her pets hopes were dashed is Mother Hubbard I think. Don't have the other 2. Can you give me one in return? I am still missing 'plant steak' and numbers 4&5 from spies and deception.
Evening, #4 for spies & deception is I think counter surveillance
Thanks - sure Counter Surveillance is right.
Question Author
Yes I have that for S&D 4 , I think no.5 is about ships of some type.
Does anyone have ideas on Frases 9 or is everyone as baffled as me !!!

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