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Man Utd..!!

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berniecuddles | 15:47 Thu 09th Jan 2014 | Jokes
40 Answers
Got the missus a Man utd bra for her birthday. She hates it - says the support is crap & it won't be long till the tits are out of both cups


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One for Tony to make amends: A teacher starts a new job at a school in The Black Country and trying to break the ice and make a good impression on her first day, tells the class that she is a Wolves fan. She asks the kiddies to raise their hands if they are Wolves fans as well. Everyone in the class raises a hand except for one little girl. The teacher looks at the girl...
19:56 Thu 09th Jan 2014
For gawds sake, bernie, give cupes a lol or she'll start sulking. or starting up with more Villa jokes !.
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i did m8......women tut!!
Now I'm jealous!
Oh gawd ^^^^^^^.

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i did m8......women tut!!

Sorry bernie, crossed posts.
Talking of the devil......

Rumour has it that the Villa have got a new sponsor: Tampax. The board thought it was an appropriate change as the club is going through a very bad period.
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lol cant win
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Talking of the devil......

Rumour has it that the Villa have got a new sponsor: Tampax. The board thought it was an appropriate change as the club is going through a very bad period.

LOL, I was hoping it was going to be Durex, DT, we might score then !.
One for Tony to make amends:

A teacher starts a new job at a school in The Black Country and trying to break the ice and make a good impression on her first day, tells the class that she is a Wolves fan. She asks the kiddies to raise their hands if they are Wolves fans as well. Everyone in the class raises a hand except for one little girl. The teacher looks at the girl with surprise and says "Mary, why didn't you raise your hand?"
"Because I'm not a Wolves fan" she replied.
The teacher, obviously shocked, asked "well, if you're not a Wolves fan, then who are you a fan of?"
"I'm an Villa fan, and proud of it" Mary replied.
The teacher could not believe her ears. "Mary, why are you an Villa fan?"
"Because my mum and dad are from Birmingham, and my mum is an Villa fan and my dad is an Villa fan, so I'm an Villa fan too ! "
"Well" said the teacher, in an obviously annoyed tone, "that's no reason for you to be an Villa fan. You don't have to be like your parents all the time. What if your mum was a prostitute, and your dad was a drug addict and car thief, what would you be then?"
Mary smiled, "Then I'd be a Albion fan".
LOL LOL.^^^^^^^^
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lol DT classic
Last time I saw that DT it was Liverpool and Everton! We used to laugh about the Leeds bra in the early '70s, all support and no cups.
berniecuddles I was on the market in town today this guy was selling David Moyes lamps for £1 isaid never seen those before, he said they look nice in the middle of the table, :-)
Oxo are launching the Man Utd version. It will be called 'The Laughing Stock'.
Sir Alex Ferguson has denied rumours of a return to football management, but added 'it would be nice if David Moyes did!'
My grandson has a Man Utd toboggan, he says it goes down hill so fast.
In a hastily arranged press conference today, Moyes asked for patience from the board and fans, and that in time he will win the league, just ahead of Forest, Leeds, and Derby!
Chris Smalling has issued an apology today for dressing up in an outfit that may have offended some people...

He says he gets paid lots of money for wearing it and it's only twice a week.
-- answer removed --

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Man Utd..!!

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