Crosswords1 min ago
Cameras For Our Police ?
http:// news/uk -englan d-londo n-25663 495
Perhaps its the public that should be wearing cameras ? I wouldn't mind betting that Andrew Mitchell wished he had a camera on him back in September 2012 ! Might have saved an awful lot of faffing around.
Perhaps its the public that should be wearing cameras ? I wouldn't mind betting that Andrew Mitchell wished he had a camera on him back in September 2012 ! Might have saved an awful lot of faffing around.
Rather amazing it's just armed Police - a good start I'd say They've had cameras in Police cars for years and it's worked well. More to the point it'll be a significant deterrant effect on both sides. That is to people knowing their exchanges with police are being filmed and to those Police who think that their uniform gives them the right to wade in against...
08:46 Thu 09th Jan 2014
May I point out none of this proves Andrew Mitchell didn't say it. It only proves a so called witness now admits he lied. IMO A. M. did say it . The term 'pleb ' was/ still is meaningless to the majority of the population. How likely is it that an ordinary copper would make it up. He might have said f..... b......s but ' plebs ' ! No way.
I was asked only today by an educated friend what it meant . I don't wish to offend but I would bet many ABers would have difficulty in explaining its meaning and origin.
I was asked only today by an educated friend what it meant . I don't wish to offend but I would bet many ABers would have difficulty in explaining its meaning and origin.