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Well Known Sayings

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Torrin | 12:57 Sat 11th Jan 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
21 Answers
Iam doing a local quiz and have been stuck on the last 3 for a week now! I also have one which I have filled in but am not fully confident about. Can you help? Thankyou.
1. C.C.N.(8,5,7)
2. F.A.F.(7,3,6)
3. N.M.A.T.D.D.(5,4,3,3,5,6)
4. E.V.M.M.S.(5,7,4,4,5)....I have put"empty vessels make most sound" but I thought the phrase was "most noise". Am I on the wrong track completely with this one?


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1) civility costs nothing.

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