Quizzes & Puzzles1 min ago
Speed Limits Painted On Road?
Do speed limits painted on the road without accompanying roundel metal signs have legal status? I am not talking about what would happen if you are going faster than the painted limit and have an accident, but simply if there is only a painted limit on the road and no other notification, can you get done for exceeding the painted limit?
I am asking because 20 signs have recently been painted all over roads near me and I just wondered.....
I am asking because 20 signs have recently been painted all over roads near me and I just wondered.....
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Hmm.. take a peek at this link:
http:// www.spe edlimit .org.uk /speed_ marking s.html
Speed limit roundels painted on the road surface may be used to supplement a system of speed limit repeaters, but on their own do not constitute a legal system of speed limit marking. For a limit to be enforceable, the proper number of repeaters must also be present.
An exception to this is that the 40 mph limits covering large areas of Dartmoor and the New Forest have a specific derogation from the need to have repeaters because of environmental considerations, and are therefore marked solely by carriageway roundels.
Speed limit roundels painted on the road surface may be used to supplement a system of speed limit repeaters, but on their own do not constitute a legal system of speed limit marking. For a limit to be enforceable, the proper number of repeaters must also be present.
An exception to this is that the 40 mph limits covering large areas of Dartmoor and the New Forest have a specific derogation from the need to have repeaters because of environmental considerations, and are therefore marked solely by carriageway roundels.
this indicates thhat theyare only valid when accompanied by the normal sign.
http:// www.dir ect.gov .uk/pro d_consu m_dg/gr oups/dg _digita lassets /@dg/@e n/@moto r/docum ents/di gitalas set/dg_ 191955. pdf
Is it possible that the road in question is about to become a 20 mph limit, and that the road has been painted before the signs have been put up? The local authority can't put all the warnings in place at the same time. Maybe a check at Town Hall/Police Station, as I would have thought that details should have been published as part of planning process to allow for objections/refinement
no they have no legal status but they inform what the limit is. It depends on the limit and and other factors as to whether there have to be the red ring signs. For example on urban roads where lamp posts are spaced within a certain distance the limit defaults to 30 with no signs needed. What is the limit on the painted limit as a matter of interest?
I see I thought you meant 20 signs not 20mph signs, anyway, clearly they are preparing to put up the 20mph signs, the ones on the road have no meaning ever but they will be accurate when the actual proper 20mph signs go up.
signs like these are on the way: https:/ /www.go ogle.co .uk/sea rch?hl= en& site=im ghp& ;tbm=is ch& source= hp& biw=128 0&b ih=670& amp;q=2 0pmh+si gn& oq=20pm h+sign& amp;gs_ l=img.3 ...4275 .8113.0 .8984.1 .0.0.98 .341.5. 5.0.... 0...1ac .1.32.i mg..6.4 .285.Wo uneUKtu h8#hl=e n&q =20mph+ sign&am p;tbm=i sch& ;facrc= _&i mgdii=_ &im grc=opI gbKg5i9 egEM%25 3A%3BLr kCYfyx_ Jot8M%3 Bhttp%2 53A%252 F%252Fi .telegr aph.co. uk%252F multime dia%252 Farchiv e%252F0 1398%25 2Froad_ 1398128 c.jpg%3 Bhttp%2 53A%252 F%252Fw ww.tele graph.c o.uk%25 2Fnews% 252Fukn ews%252 Froad-a nd-rail -transp ort%252 F803882 1%252F2 0mph-li mit-has -not-ma de-road s-safer .html%3 B460%3B 288
signs like these are on the way: https:/