There has just been an item on radio about an urban myth. Apparently there is a myth going round that if you dial 999 on a mobile phone and disconnect immediately it makes the battery last longer.The emergency authorities have been getting 100's of these calls. Can I just say that this is a stupid waste of time and please do not do it.
I know 99% of us on AB are not that stupid but it may stop a few calls.
That's what I thought but according to Radio 2 it is becoming a problem.
The idea apparently is that if your battery is nearly dead then dialling 999 gives it an extra boost of power. Probably young kids doing it, even 5 and 6 yearolds seem to have mobile phones now.
What an extraordinary thing to be circulating.... no doubt dreamed up by some mischief-maker.
I know dialling 999 in error works to contact the police - some years ago I had my phone in my handbag and something was leaning on the 9 key, my phone rang the police twice then it disconnected, they rang me back to ask if I was OK - it was very embarrassing. They knew my name and exactly where I was. Imagine the effect if they know all these calls they're getting at the moment. What a stupid thing to have started....