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cupid04 | 18:50 Mon 13th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
You wouldn't be taking the pee out of cupid04 by any chance?


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Cupid, has someone been picking on you whilst I've been away?
Question Author
shoota has been copying ma'am [body & soul]
Perhaps he looks up to you, Cupid.
Welcome 'home', Cariad. X
Hump, home from home!!
Question Author
whose cariad?
Tilly, cupid
Question Author
Is that tilly's alias?
I think it may be Welsh for dearest or somesuch
cupid04, sweetheart, cariad, would I?
Question Author
Thank you slackAlice, never heard of the word before!
It's good to be back
Where's your mate gone then?
I'm here.
Question Author
Have you been on holiday Yilly?

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