to change of not, i have been wrestling with this a long while, something about the devil you know, but it seems to be costing me more and more
i want a provider of landline, broadband, i find the line rental costs obscene, considering one doesn't seem to have a cheaper option, don't need tv, mobile's thrown in,
had a call from the current provider, they offer some deals one of which seems promising but honestly don't know which way to jump.
thanks, what do you get, and how much roughly do you spend a month
if it's UK inhouse tech, customer service so much the better.,
the current providers seem to be based on Mars, and i don't speak Martian, at least not yet.
does anyone have a better provider of calls, line rental, broadband than say 23/25 quid a month as i am struggling with that. As mentioned have no need of fancy fripperies, mobile, or tv package.