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10 Months For Killing One's Mother?

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anotheoldgit | 11:51 Wed 15th Jan 2014 | News
33 Answers

/// Details of the tragedy emerged at Liverpool Crown Court as Emma was jailed for ten months after a judge ruled she was a 'caring and loving person' whose attack was 'largely outside her control.' ///

Oh so that's okay then, why even bother to jail her at all?

Seems she has even got the Daily Mail on her side, seeing that she is constantly referred to as Emma, instead of the usual usage of surnames that we see.



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Not in my experience you can't.
seems lenient for anyone, and yes i have a fair bit of experience of what the defendant suffered from, its not something you have for ever, that is why it's called a psychotic episode.
perhaps she would do better in a secure mental health hospital, that's no picnic either.

Then you simply didn't offer a big enough fee/expenses package.
ummm has worked in the field so to speak, so talks from experience, am i correct?
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//Bur then on second thoughts, who knows it wasn't in cold blood there were only two people there at the time and one of them is dead.//

/// You have no confidence in psychiatrists? ///

Luckily I have had no dealings with them, but what I do know is that they are very unlikely to know the condition of a person's mind when that person committed a past murder, they only know from what they are told by the murderer at a later examination.
/they only know from what they are told by the murderer/

psychiatry does not rely solely on what the doctor is 'told' by the patient
Yes, Em, I used to work in a psychiatric hospital.

It's not about what the patient is saying. Behaviours tend to follow a pattern.

She wouldn't have been assessed by her own private psychiatrist she would have been assessed by more than one independent psychiatrists.
////Seems she has even got the Daily Mail on her side////

Shocking. I trust that you have written to them expressing your dismay at this appalling betrayal of all you believe in.
And he has put his foot through the TV and sent them the bill !

It does seem a rather odd decision, but then I dont suppose we have the full facts.

As for Gromits example she should have had the book thrown at her. Sending a text and killing someone is not an accident.
no it isn't, those who drive without undue care, those eating, chatting, talking on mobiles, hands off the wheel may think they are immune, but their action can cause havoc.
What's wrong with that, AOG ? Pretty clear cut case of 'diminished' and an appropriate sentence. Did you want her not jailed at all, then, or were you being uncharacteristically sarcastic? There was an argument for not jailing her.

Or do you want the law changed? Provocation was a defence to murder, reducing it to manslaughter, at common law, and diminished responsibility, which does the same, has been a defence since 1957. They are now combined in a general defence of "loss of control" under the Coroners and Justice Act 2009. So you'd be changing law, in this case, going back over 50 years. It has served us well.
Incidentally, you don't need evidence of psychiatrists to run 'diminished' successfully. It can readily be done without.

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