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Panic Over!!

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sherrardk | 13:34 Wed 15th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
Himself has just spoken to the landlord - he has changed his phone provider and so has a different number. There is no problem with his mortgage he is just in the process of amalgamating his two mortgages (his partner is sorting it all out so he didn't have the details). We can stay for as long as we like :)

Thank you all for being so kind and helpful yesterday, it was much appreciated, x


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Sherr...if all is well I can't say how pleased I am for you....I was really feeling for you last night...especially your concerns for the children. My mind was going round and round thinking of ways for you to stay where they are so settled.

Let's hope this has been a blip and you can settle...and get an octopus....☺
What a relief for you. Not a nice thing to have to go through. xx
Can you check and see if someone had got a CCJ against him?
Glad you have such reassuring news, let's hope all is now resolved - very happy for you.
Great news Sher, I hope your landlord gets sorted out quickly xx
Great result, sher. I've been thinking of you since I read your post yesterday.

I do hope this is the last you hear of it all.
That's great news, Sherr.
Really, really happy for you :-)
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Thanks all, must say it did seem a bit bleak yesterday (especially when we couldn't get hold of him). If he says there is no problem then I believe him.
not sure that i would.......
Sher, still be cautious. I really do hope all is well.

As for the bailiff going to the neighbours, when we lived at our previous address, a Sheriff's Officer call to ask me about my neighbour and where did they work. Neighbour wasn't in at the time of the visit, neighbour was at work.
Told them I didn't know where they worked (a lie but I wasn't going to grass on the neighbour)
im sorry but i agree with woofgang, but im pleased if all ok,
thank goodness for that. you must be so pleased. i'm sure we all are. x
hope all goes well for you xx but like others seems strange a bailiff came knocking on your door if he is only amalgamating his two mortgages,unless somewhere down the line he has missed a few payments whilst doing this!
It sounds good for you, I am very pleased.
I'm glad panic's over. You can relax now. xx
gosh..phew....i am soooo pleased for you xx
Good! Now you can sort the washing ;)
hmm it is odd the finance company didnt have his corresponding address.

this is the mystery of the Landlord who didnt pay in the night
(or at all).

anyway chew a sweetie or two
sher I am really glad that things have been sorted and you can get a good night sleep. I love happy endings.

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