hypnosis is wildly known to be a help in curing smoking addiction , but does anyone know of any research into hypnosis and alcohol/drug addiction.If there is any evidence of success in these areas how does it work and is there any internet sites that deal with this subject? thnx for your help
I don't know about hypnosis as such but when I quit drugs and alcohol I used my wife's sort of home grown variation of NLP and meditation as well as a thorough detox which I can recommend as it was easier than I had thought it would be ( still bloody hard though), but it does rely on having a person with you whose prepared to bear with you during the process and put up with you.
Hi, I'll give you as much help as I possibly can, but I'd rather not discuss it on B&S, as there are a few people on here who'd love to tear me to shreds ( although most are lovely).
Drop me a line to
it's my junkmail address, so it doesn't matter it being public, and I'll do what I can to help.