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This Old Chap Is A Convicted Paedophile Who Has Served Time For His Crimes. Did He Deserve This?

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sandyRoe | 07:10 Sun 19th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
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No,of course not,Sandy. Are people assuming its a 'punishment' shooting connected to his paedophilia?
Good question - I have a problem with saying he deserves it but if it was one of my kids.....
I imagine not but we don't know why he was shot.
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There seems little doubt that it was. There was a fatal stabbing of another elderly man in the same area a while back. It was believed then that the attacker thought the victim was a paedophile. He wasn't. The killer had attacked the wrong man.
The law prescribes particular punishments for particular offences. We shouldn't condone other people taking things into their own hands.
Of course no one has the right to take the law into their hands and dish out their own punishment.
mob rule? Paediatricians beware.
no one does, but if it was your child, you don't know how you would react.

//The former Church of Ireland sexton pleaded guilty//

No surprises there then!
where does it say he's a peedie ?

Down the road in Manc (Harpurhey) they kicked the wrong man to death for being a peed. One said she felt 'awful' that the wrong guy was dead - but is still doing well deserved time. Manslaughter they all got around 4 y.

Recently they kicked and burnt someone - another Liberal community Cardiff I think.

so no I dont think he shold have been shot....
Yeah jno Cardiff holds the record for burning down a paediatrician's house

Poor Dr Cloete ('clooty') hared back to Sarth Efrica where she said she felt safer.
emmie, It happened to my own child, I do know how I reacted. I wanted to kill the guy but I wouldn't have done it. He was Ex CID/flying squad and dissapeared to New Zealand a couple of days after being found out.
it doesn't say he was a paedophile. how do you know that?
I'm guessing with Sandy being in NI he knows the original story.
I find it very hard to be sympathetic...
Zero sympathy for him

100% sympathy for his young victims
Sorry very little sympathy at all

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This Old Chap Is A Convicted Paedophile Who Has Served Time For His Crimes. Did He Deserve This?

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