The story below.
Basically, a man has a:
1) "psychotic episode".
2) Drives the wrong way down a road hitting a car
3) Gets 3 swords from his car
4) Goes mad and approaches police brandishing a sword
5) Police use numerous baton rounds on aggressor (they are basically plastic bullets, to stop NOT kill)
6) After numerous warnings for the mad man to put down his weopans he is shot dead with proper bullets.
The mother is "devasted by the juries verdict", which took SIX WEEKS to find its conclusion.
My questions:
Why did it take six weeks? Would this have even gone to coroners court in ANY other western country?
Even though your love for your children is great, would you just not accept that he needed to die? Grieve yes, but moan about the verdict??? 175.stm (For once, the dead mad man actually looks normal)