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lashley | 20:12 Mon 20th Jan 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
help please
1a blouse revealing girl's front,a loose one 9 ???????D?
17a the pet husband twice got rid of-he'll move animals along 8 ??A??T?R
19a device for making explosive entrance is scrapped in Pirates misguidedly 5
20a male included,unconventional pairs agree on...such?13,2 words ends s


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17 teamster?
20a) open marriages

M inside anagram of 'pairs agree on'
17) yes, teamster = t(h)e (h)amster
1a) g a ribald i
19a taper
Question Author
19a now ends AR-pretty sure of the A-thanks so far!

Shakesperean spelling of petard
petar? ... sure it's an anagram of pirates minus is
Question Author
thanks again

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